
the swing

it was just a typical photobloghopping moment for me when i suddenly stumble into Ride My Pony's shot of the swing. i read the comments and found out that it's actually very popular to the toronto photoblogging community already (pity me, i only learned about it today). so what's the next best thing to do? to google of course! searching for "alley swing" led me to lots of valid links, with this one from lowresolution on top, and so far the only winter shot i found. later on i googled "secret swing", and the most dedicated of all swingers (i think) came up on top, rannie. he even made a secret swing album on his space, be sure to scroll down to see links to other swing photos from different photobloggers. invisiblethreads even accompanied the photo with some informative and humorous comment, and the swing record might belong to a certain christine.

my favorite shots of the swing are here and here.

an article was even written about it here, and here

there's even a video worth checking out, and so far this is my closest experience of "the swing".

and this one deserves credit for trying. i wanna see a photograph of someone swinging on this one =)

note to self: check out the swing when you get the chance to visit toronto, and don't forget your camera!


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