
a shift

Before anything, let me greet you (if there is actually any reader left here) a Happy New Year. May yours and mine be peaceful and productive, and may we not regret come December that nothing in our life had really improved and a year was spent accomplishing nothing! Nope, I didn't regret slacking on my blog, as this thing is at the bottom of my priority list right now, and I can't promise a regular update from this point forward =)

Nuff talk, let's move on!

How about a little shocker? No, I'd be gentle. I'll do it bit by bit maybe, and let you figure it out. Here goes... We don't have a bookshelf yet on our new place, (yes we moved to slightly bigger place, but we are still renting, and no I won't digress.) so you could now just find my books stacked on every part of the house. If I think now, there is probably two in the kitchen counter, one or two on the sofa table and maybe one in the coffee table; around ten on Nel's dresser, and another 8 on the small table beside the dresser, and maybe 3 or 4 on the bedside table. Oh, there might also be one on top of the chest , and maybe one or two on Nick and Bill's bedroom. The difference though is before, all those books would be from Apress, MicrosoftPress, Wrox, Addison-Wesley and are all about .Net, Xml, UML, software process and designs, etc. Now you can see author names like Max Lucado and Philip Yancey. I also now listen to Bo, and James MacDonald on my iPod.

Things are also going great in my life. I've increased the number of people I know in 2006 to close to a hundred, most of them I consider my friend. That's pretty amazing considering I probably only have twenty the year before. I've met some very special people too, like Lex, which I would probably mention again in the future. There is a big shift in my priorities, and as I've mentioned the casualties are blogging, photography, and even the time I spend honing my programming skills. But I know, and I feel, that I am doing things the way they should really be done. I feel more relaxed and less stressed (if not at all), and observing that I get to spend my time more efficiently. Our number one priority which is to buy a house, have now moved down to number 4 or 5 maybe. The booming Alberta economy and it's side-effect of sky-rocketing property prices doesn't worry me anymore - even a bit! Don't you wish you're as unaffected as I am? Wanna know my secret? Tune in!

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